What is this blog all about?!?
I keep a running journal of my dance practice, my movement endeavors, my thoughts from class, and any other creative ponderings I might have. My journals began as a conversation between myself and my professors throughout various classes. They are now my own thoughts to myself and for myself. It’s a place that's my own where I can question, I can deepen, I can create. Now I am sharing it with you! Well… only small parts.
Each blog post I will share an excerpt from my journal. Straight from the source. A few sentences about whatever thought was most potent. Then I will leave you with a few questions or prompts for yourself. My hope is that you will pick up your journal and write. But if a journal isn’t your style, then write to a mentor or a friend. Start a conversation with a fellow mover or your next door neighbor. Take it into the studio or a field and dance out the answer. I hope you make it your own!
And please write back! I’ll have a conversation with you. Do you agree? Disagree? Did you see it another way? Have you already been investigating this idea? I wanna know it all!
I hope you embrace some deeper thought and come back for more! Happy journaling!